
Fuck this fucking docker bullshit allready

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    @AlexDeLarge why not?

    Containers are lost
    Documentation is fucked
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    There's that pesky dream of setting everything up with 1 command that people need to give up on...

    Did I say dream? I meant fantasy!
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    I'm fairly new to containers and have found the AWS container service painless to use. Before dabbling with containers I was rebooting Ubuntu boxes on the regular.
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    Docker has reduced a lot of stress for me
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    This must best the worst piece of shit-software ever !

    I can say that after 20 years of coding experience and I've seen a lot.

    But this piece of shit , run by bunch of kids, who in their official tutorial use words like "Mighty command :'docker run'". Or awesome feature docker pull and such bullshit, deserve to be eliminated form internet forever !
  • 2
    Fuck docker. I learned Django in 4 days and now to upload it I need to learn docker from scratch? I thought I was done. Fuck docker. Why doesn’t it fucking work?
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