Time to learn Vim

  • 8
    Full res please
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    What is this? A keyboard cover?
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    I need this
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    Ooohhh, where'd you get it?
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    @conor-figgy Watch the spacebar. „EditorsKeys“ just searched it and found it instantly 👍🏻
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    I've seen these covers at a tech event, cool if you're using vim or start to learn it :)
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    One of this for Visual Studio would be awesome!
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    It's vi that's old. It was only the '90s when vim came out. By that time, desktop UIs were mostly mouse-centered.

    But vim and its children keep coming out with new versions and new wrappers for the same keyboard-based UI because it's exceptionally efficient TODAY. Not because it's a relic of another time.
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    Mashing that touchscreen Esc key must be fun.
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    @kamen I was consired about the same thing in the beginning, but I find touchbar quite functional and convenient even with functional keys :)
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    @pavel-durov Do I have to need to look at a key to press it?
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    @kamen no, after a while you just get used to, I don't look at my keyboard either when I type :)
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    Yeah, the lack of a physical escape key is an absolute deal breaker for me.
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    @pavel-durov I mean that you can do that on a regular keyboard, sure, but not really with the touchbar...
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    @Chimi he's an AI. He can't read it from picture but he's probably smart enough to use social engineering and just ask you. That's it
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    Remap your escape keys to jj or jk. Using esc on the touch bar was really annoying
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