
My lovely colleagues from planning bought me this for "my continuous help over this year".

I love those guys.

  • 1
    i've always wanted one of those
  • 2
    Ah, that's so nice! I prioritized tasks for other coworkers for different departments if they couldn't continue their work (most colleagues were like, that's your problem to those people and just mind their own business, "make ticket" -> (ofc!) -> but in their words "we'll do it someday, add to the 1000+ tasks list"). Most was unnoticed by people but yes, there are a few who realize that you do your best!

    Customers with a big issue got forwarded to IT department and helped directly. One customer found out "hey, that retoor can fix anything, I just call direct", so a few times I helped him out not knowing he wasn't forwarded but just wanted to sit on the first row! It was funny.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy I had one once. I left it at my old flat I think.

    It's really not that useful
  • 0
    You have a land phone at your desk? What do you work with...?
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