
The most hardest in programming:

Naming things and clearing cache

  • 5
    You forgot making things work on IE!
  • 2
    the hardest part* ...
  • 2
    @kai18 English grammer and spelling is much harder then programming.
    Even thuogh prgarmming is in kinda english..fml
  • 1
    @code-god ya, I wish they would just stop with it.. just close it and move on.
  • 1
    @darthy IE teams' ego is too damn high to shutdown the project :-D
  • 0
    Why is clearing cache a problem? And what cache are you referring to? *curious*
  • 0
    if you're referring to web cache, most browsers nowadays have an option to clear cache when devtools is open
  • 3
    No, it's "there are 2 hard problems in computer science: Naming variables, cache invalidation, and off by one errors"
  • 1
    @doskallemaskin yep.. only problem is that its not alwase work..then you think you did something wrong, then you cry, then you open incognito in diffrent browser (just to be sure :)), and it works.. heppend to me more then once...
  • 0
    "most hardest part"
  • 1
    there are two thigs hard in programming,naming things, cache invalidation and off-by-one errors
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