
This has become pretty standard from our current broadband provider. Think it's time to move elsewhere...

  • 1
    Sweet mother of monkey’s milk!! That’s preposterous!!
  • 3
    This is what is was just over a year ago :/
  • 2
    Is that 2400 baud?
  • 2
    This was taken this summer at a hotel.
  • 0
    Jesus Christ!
  • 4
    Welcome to my daily life for the past two years 😖
  • 0
    Net neutrality
  • 0
    Woow, i was feeling bad because in my city i can't access to fiber, wow now i feel bad for every dev that not have enough connection to learn and work
  • 0
    Looks like you are in the UK, spam the hell out of Sky to fix it, ring them everyday if you have to, that's what we did when we had speeds like this and it took multiple trips from openreach. But eventually it was fixed and we now get 14/15 when we had about 2 before.
  • 2
    Ah I see Sky are giving you their one of a kind treatment.

    This was a couple weeks ago. Had to use Google speedtest as speedtest.net webpage was timing out. 👌
  • 3
    i know how you feel.... 🍚
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