This rant is aimed towards those who hate on JavaScript developers and the JS language:

Dear Asshole,

I am a JavaScript developer by choice.
I think JavaScript is great.
I agree that JavaScript have some bad sides to it, but I believe that the community is driving good change to the ecosystem.
I appreciate other models of other languages.
I do not include 3rd party NPM modules without checking their source and credibility.
I will not use a framework (i.e. react, Vue, Anguler) if it's not needed.

And finally:
I can do any software engineering tasks a software engineer is supposed to do.

Kind regards,

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    @LastDigitOfPi oh fuck, a typo! Can't edit the rant now 😅
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    Especially when the hate comes from PHP fanboys...
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    I don't get why we can't all get along. Every language has its use and its quirks. Everyone has their preferences. It's all good.
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    It’s interesting to see how programming languages and preferences can become so trendy. Developers have their own social construct. Your preferences don’t mean shit outside of yourself.
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    @ChachiKlaus a developer that enjoys what he does, a person that shouldn't take shit from others for his choice of occupation.
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    Can you create secure bank application? How do you protect variables from being reassign in js i thought those are kind of public
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    Well, apparently you can find masochists here too.
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    @rim01 use const.
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    i just personally dislike everything about the language and the ecosystem. if someone likes it, good for them.

    but i also pesonally enjoy making jokes based on my dislike of it. that's all.

    until someone starts to try convincing me it's good, instead of saying "i like it".

    those are two different things.
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    @rim01 creating a banking system in JavaScript is like trying to build a car with rubber.
    In my opinion JavaScript is really good for what it's intended to be doing.
    As for protecting variables then you can use constants in JavaScript.
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    @Midnigh-shcode your Opinion is yours and I don't think anyone should be allowed to attack you for your opinion as long as you're not spreading hate.

    Also making jokes about JavaScript is really fun XD.

    My problem is the assholes that look down on JavaScript developers and treat them like second class citizens.
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    He can do anything just read rant again.. word anything tells a lot so banking system should be easy next probably will be write OS.. I needed to learn different programming languages to do different things but JS devs seems has some kind of power to create any software...
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    @rim01 you can't generalize like that.

    And I think any decent JavaScript developer understands that JavaScript isn't built for that.
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    "and I don't think anyone should be allowed to attack you for your opinion as long as you're not spreading hate."

    this is where we differ. i think anyone should be ...allowed (and able) to attack (criticise) me for any of my opinions. as well as I should be allowed to do the same, if I choose so. opinions are not sacred, they are things to be discussed, evaluated, and re-evaluated on a daily basis. that's why they're opinions. the other cathegory, where this process is largely useless, is called "facts" ;)
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    @Midnigh-shcode the English language can be interpreted in many ways, I did not mean that criticizing opinions is a bad thing but many people out there describe JavaScript developers as bad developers.
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    Because most are bad instead of fixing 1 framework creates 50 more and why?
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    @Nedo-the-angry welll... statistically, they probably aren't that wrong.
    but then statistically, any platform developers are bad developers, i'd guess
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