*Cleans the laptop throughly*
*2 minutes later*
Dust: Hello there.

  • 1
    Stains on the mouse from sweaty palms as well. I clean my peripherals twice a day, but still...
  • 1
    Be sure to use cotton buds for sweeping between the keys ๐Ÿ˜ถ I'll go now.
  • 3
    ๐ŸŽถhello Dustness my old friend
  • 2
    @f7u12 You could build satellites in my house, but still...
  • 0
    @saintograph Thanks for the suggestion, will try it out the next time :D
  • 2
    Then your favourite actor must be Dustin Hoffman, eh? Eh? Get it? DUSTin Hoffman (wink wink wink) eh?
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    Genrral Dusty!
  • 1
    @zeknoss close enough, it's JustIn DustIn
  • 0
    @ZerosAndOnes my apartment gets really dusty. I vacuum every night, and in the morning it’s a thin layer of dust everywhere. Main reason is the ventilation system we installed a few years ago. Takes a while for all the concrete dust to settle.
    I replace the filters every 3 months and notice a huge decrease in dust, so that’s good
  • 0
    @ChainsawBaby Ahan ๐Ÿค” I do clean mine quarterly, and replace it yearly but that doesn't seem to help much. I guess will have to look for possible holes in the AC mount or the sides of windows
  • 0
    General Kedusti!
    *Dust collectors on*
  • 0
    Why is there a woman in the meme when we speak about dusting?!

    Unless its from mad max female version! And in that case it's acceptable!
  • 1
    Appropriate use of first world meme
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