
Let's create mentally what should never be, something with so ridiculously bad performance, even the devil wouldn't let someone use it.

My idea: a JVM emulator written in JavaScript.

What can you come up with?

  • 2
    Well I'm sure you could translate the iced tea vm to wasm as it's c but you're not that big of a masochist
  • 4
    Write Linux OS using Windows batch.
  • 1
    Handling C++ input arguments using a Bash script with optargs.
  • 3
    An operating system written in Ada or Java.
  • 1
    @DewWisp There's one written in Node.
  • 2
    Jaw'd -- Java all the way down.

    Also: why?
  • 1
    A grafik editing program written in java where every pixel is an own custom object placed in a normal list.
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