

  • 3
    Your ass, pp, toilet or did your ex found out everything you've said online and thus everywhere broken?
  • 2
    could try changing your radio to a different frequency
  • 1
    Well I did tell you to use more lube.
  • 2
    @retoor too many problems. main source of stress and depression is my ex whore blonde. she went back home w her parents in another country due to mental breakdowns and doesn't know when her parents will allow her to come back. i havent had sex for 7 days and im dying inside already
  • 2
    @b2plane I can last ages without sex by watching porn. 7 days? I can do 7 months even. She doesn't know her parents allow her to come back? How do you know? She sounded like she could use a mental hospital. Cutting in yourself is a very, very sick thing to do. There are many people who didn't even think a second about such thing. And from the people thinking it, rarely that someone executes such stuff. It's not OK.
  • 0
    Fix it up. All the best!
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