
Q:Why should a professor teach things that aren't in the source book?
A: so he can get an exam that not even himself can answer properly!
Q: But why?
A: no one knows the answer. It's one of the philosophic questions that has no answer. But maybe to hurt his students!

  • 1
    You know we're right because you paid us an extraordinary amount to have the answers!
  • 1
    @stisch are you a teacher who tortures students too?
    God bless you not. #jk :)))))
  • 1
    I like to think we're all teachers, but also students! Learning to program is a lot like Buddhism, but that's a whole other rant.

    ... also I dropped out of college to make lots of money so what do I know lol
  • 0
    @stisch you were so wise to try to learn yourself in the process of working. I wish i did that too.
    And so zen of you. I like the idea of constant give and take of knowledge.
  • 2
    Well... I had an English teacher that, for a year said that remote control in English is said "commando" because that's the Portuguese word for it.
    Like... For a year...
    Before the year ended, and because I had a bad grade because of such shit I printed a paper with dictionary terms...
    Something like:
    Remote control :something to control an electric device.
    Commando : elite troop trained in guerrilla tactics
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