
Currently working on my quiet quitting strategy to do the absolute minimum I can this year. Any advices are welcome.

  • 1
    Can you explain? I mean why? Isn‘t that extremely boring?
  • 6
    Advice? You asked. Show some integrity and be a man.

    Quit and walk out being the hardest working SOB in building. Who cares what they think. When you land the next job, you're going to walk a little taller, and others will say "Damn...gotta stay out Tounai's way...he's on a mission!"

    "Quiet quitting" is for sissies! Now drop and give me 50 push-ups!!!
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    @Lensflare Job is not paying enough and I have a bunch of movies I didn’t see.
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    @Tounai and instead of saying they pay too little and quitting you're being a passive aggressive pussy. this depresses other devs' wages as well you know

    very communist
  • 3
    @PaperTrail turns out the economy is not good enough for one of my traditional rage quit, but I don’t plan to get anything else done for that company, so the less I do the better.
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    @jestdotty I usually rage quit but the state of the economy doesn’t allow me to do that. I have to do it the smart way this time.
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    What's up with all the employer bootlickers in the comments
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    @retoor Unfortunately I have one big thing that has taken me a few months already which is full typescript for now.
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    @Tounai fuck the haters. Dial it back to less than 10h a week and go get a second job.

    Instead of coming out of the gate swinging, come out crawling. Never do more than 10h at the new job.

    Still bored? Get job number 3.

    Repeat until satisfied. Never take shit again, invest like crazy, and quit if anyone ever looks at you wrong.
  • 1
    Why crawl out, though, when you can:
  • 0
    @devRancid I know right? They want to work harder than before as if that'd result in a difference,

    "The Grindset Culture" at it's peak.
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    I started skipping multiple meetings I thought are not worth my time, actually helped me become more productive by focusing on completing my tasks instead of listening to process this process that.
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