
When can you consider yourself "good" or "fluent" at programming or a programming language?

  • 14
    Never. You can be good enough, but youll never learn a language 100%.
  • 2
    What @BindView said is absolutely true. One can never really master programming in its entirety. At least in my point of view, one can consider himself or herself good enough when one can define a clear path to a solution and follow it rather than brute force a way into a solution.
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    What @busuu and @BindView sad / said (?! fucking grammar)
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    @Alice @busuu do you work at bk? 'cause you got your ass whooped
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    @Nanos you don't belong here
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    @Alice you wanted to be nice right? Because you could have said die ();
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    When the compiler has more bugs than the code you write!
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    When you can code an open-source side project drunkenly in 1 night and actually get stars, users and constructive issues on github
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    @busuu a giant side effect
  • 4
    When you truly master a language you get a package including a Linus Torvalds action figure and a letter from Stallman
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    @tetrishead even if u master c#?
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    When you start to consider your self a craftsman and not just a programmer, but you still want to learn more, you may have mastered enough of the language. Only the designers and a few high functioning autistic people have mastered any language.
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    @7root @busuu @Alice

    Upon sudo, I always defend with 'Enter password:'

    People always quit after that. And they laugh. Best way to simply not let others trick you into doing their job.
  • 0
    I guess when you are confident enough you can learn stuff in your language or framework to solve most problems you might face.
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    nah, c# and r only get a 5 dollar cupon from Hot Topic but Python is the real deal @BindView
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