
To the person that put the washing machine on at 4am, who hurt you? Coz I'm gonna be added to that list.

  • 7
    Every once in a while I spend 14 hours focused on a task and then realize at 10pm that I don't have anything to wear the next day. 4am sounds extreme though
  • 3
    reminds me of the neighbour regularly mowing his lawn at 10pm
  • 5
    I assume it didn’t even cross their mind you could hear their machine

    Kinda makes sense to run that stuff at night (if neighbours could not hear it)
  • 1
    @lorentz why can't you just wear the same? I did wearing only two days the same maximum first too. But now, meh, bad for clothes. Only underwear is daily changed. Normal clothes often for four days. Meh, I don't get dirty. I barely wash jeans for quality
  • 2
    @tosensei heh, a Dutch colleague of mine didn't do mowing grass on Sundays because his neighbors were very religious and they don't like to see Sunday work. So, nice. But then on a day the neighbors tree was hanging on his side on the fence so he offered to cut it away. "No, and leave our tree alone" in not so nice words. That's the day he found out his neighbors are bastards
  • 1
    @retoor not at the point where he figured out they were "very religious"?
  • 1
    @tosensei religious is good :)
  • 2
    @retoor Wow, I know some pretty extreme orthodox jews but none of them take issue with *others* working on Saturday, in fact they're very thankful if others take over any duties they may have. Sounds like a weird thing to ask of other people.
  • 1
    I guess this is what state-sanctioned religions are all about though, adding the given scriptures to the social contract.
  • 1
    @lorentz I only know one jew and he was a bastard wishing retoorii the worst :)
  • 1
    @jestdotty he thinks I should end up in jail because last year accident. But he's probably too young to even fucking anderstand that such thing will let you lose your house and what a criminal record means and on top of it relationship with other people. He thinks I deserve it. Wtf
  • 1
    They are saving the planet using off peak power.
  • 1
    @jestdotty exactly, but let's not talk about it further here 😂 It's a closed story. The lawsuit is next Monday
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