
Reddit is such an echo chamber it's crazy

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    Yeah, nothing is allowed there so everyone says the same. Everyone is extraordinary nice. Nothing realistic about it. Bot for this, bot for that
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    What is not an echo chamber? Maybe devRant but that‘s it.
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    @retoor people are right cunts if you don't have cult speak.
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    @Lensflare devrant is very normal. Everything is possible these days but not many abuse it. We're the proof that such bots aren't necessarily. They're scared for nothing. Says a lot how they think about people. 9gag could use such bot tho. Women hating racists. It's too much to still consider it jokes. 50% of them mean what they say
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    @Lensflare That's one of the reasons I like devrant. I think if platforms become too big you naturally form bubbles as obviously not everybody can see and interact with everyone else, so they congregate with people they agree with

    Devrant is small enough that there can be *one* post feed which means we all get exposed to the ideas of everyone else

    Kinda keeps you more grounded
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    @12bitfloat a bit more content on dr would be nice tho. Active users is enough, writers not and myself is a writer but not from rants. I collect single upvotes with random stories. I found a way to post more than two times in a hour tho
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    I wonder how much of the actual posting is just bots talking to each other.
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    @theranter I suspect quite a bit actually lol

    By the democrats, republicans, north korea, russia, china, they are all doing it
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    they banned everyone who said things they didn't like
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    Truth hurts?
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    Couldn't stand reddit or tumbler for more than a few weeks, it's pointless investing time on sites like that.
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    @bazmd the secret to reddit is finding channels where they don't care for politics. Like specialty gaming.
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    @Demolishun I never talk politics, sometimes issues come up that look like a scientific conversion, but end up being political bs, when you correct them they'll get very defensive and unreasonable.

    And I'm like, oh you're a fucking idiot! lol

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    @bazmd just remember. There are UK residents that think the mile road signs are in kilometers. It really puts things into perspective.
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    @Demolishun I live in the occupied 6 counties of Northern Ireland (occupied by the British) and we use miles up north and kilometres down south, everyone can tell the difference, most automobiles have both kph and mph on the speedometer, it's not like we have to change cars at some fantasy border. lol
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    @Demolishun But I agree, some of our beloved people are a bit short of a few miles.
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    @bazmd we have our special people too.
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    Regarding topic, watched dead internet theory? This episode is well: https://youtu.be/V9PkWdrYOz0/.... There's a chance that most internet traffic is a bot. But how to know? We call people bots to offend them. For so far they look recognizeable. People became bots swallowing all the same content
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    @retoor What's this?
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    @bazmd it's about that internet not being the same as back in the day. Now all content is generated thus dead
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    @retoor in 2016 a huge number of websites were delisted. Medical research people found 95% of their sites they were using disappear overnight. So the theory is not just about bots. It also how the tech oligarchs are delisting things against their narratives. Turning the internet into a worldwide Truman Show.

    We need new search engines to open up the internet again.
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    @Demolishun yes, we do. But we're used to the Google flavor. That's why it's hard to switch to duckduckgo
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    @retoor IMO, they all suck. I keep a small list of search engines that allow me to find stuff that microsoft and google don't want you to find.
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    @Demolishun share it with us, unless it's on tor, don't want to share my line with such people, afaik they don't have good information.

    Also, the game
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    Mojeek is good for finding obscure stuff.

    I also have Yandex and Freespoke, but I don't use those much. I think I have a different list at home too. I will have to check later today.
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    @retoor I actually watched the whole video, it's absolute horse shit, there was a point when they brought up "global warming" and I'm thinking, for fuck sake! There was a lot of facts thrown in. Entertaining.

    It was wonderful, boo! :D
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    @retoor I don't use tor much, but those are sites that are not even listed in domain registries I think. Or stuff that was blacklisted from search engines. My guess its not jiving with the MSM.
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    @bazmd haha, nice. Other videos I like: truth about reddit: https://youtu.be/K8hkr3zWNB0/...
    Mc Donalds: https://youtu.be/MhspjNiER9Q/...
    Even better, domino's:
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    @bazmd fucking EVERYONE believes this global warming crap

    actually I appear to have re-enlightened myself recently and now I'm wondering if they're trying to use the power of concurrent thought to stop the upcoming ice age or something. humans die a lot more during ice ages than periods when the earth heats
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    @jestdotty we are supposed to be approaching a cooling cycle in next 50 years I had heard. My suspicion is get everyone off fossil fuels. So when cooling occurs everyone freezes. Windmills and solar panels won't work or be enough. I can't imagine ever dropping nuclear though.
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    @jestdotty I am not talking about human activity. I am talking about a sun cycle.
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    @Demolishun oh I thought you thought fossil fuels cause warming so by getting people off them we cool the planet

    I totally forgot fossil fuels are used to heat homes in the winter

    I mean up here in Canada we can still walk outside, cut a tree down, and haul the wood into a fireplace. is it a fossil fuel? 🤔 is just debris you find and burn in my head

    windmills and solar panels are just plain bad. when it's cold there's no wind and when it's cold it's generally cold because there's no sun. wave power maybe or dams work though

    also batteries suck in the cold
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