

Seriously, what the hell. Things evolve so goddamn fast and someone new to the field can’t even grab something to start with. Once you start understanding something it fuckin changes and something else takes it’s place.

Fuck this shit, I’m out.

  • 8
    Thats kind od bullshit, lets say a company wants a new product now, most of the times they prefer using an older thing because that has been proven to work.
    Then it has to be maintained and maybe updated with a new feature a year or two later.

    Learn vuejs now and profit for a year or 6 by using vue in projects and for even longer by having the knowledge of one framework which can help you with new and improved frameworks.
  • 4
    @Codex404 that very true. Just because there is a new framework every week does not mean that all existing dies.

    Many of the new ones will not stay and others are niche products.

    A few make it to wide spread acceptance and that list does not change as fast.
  • 2
    @Voxera indeed, but I do understamd if people feel like it because compared to backend frameworks it is going like crazy.

    Im backend focussed and if ive to name PHP frameworks and Javascript frameworks (including backend frameworks) it would be about 3 vs 15
  • 3
    I’d say it’s beautifully challenging.
  • 4
    As a front end developer, I know that feeling. It's overwhelming to have so many things to learn. Just try to focus on max 2 frameworks at a time. Once you are feeling comfortable, try a different technology. This will keep you sane. And of course, keep deepening your knowledge on Javascript foundation.
  • 1
    lol you can still get top tier jobs with AngularJs.. no need to switch it up everyday
  • 1
    You can usually ignore the "new thing" for a year or two, if its still around, its usually already being taught to you, one way or another. (and much more stable by then too)
  • 1
    @octogato 2017 was literally 2 weeks ago ...
  • 1
    @octogato I still don't get the hype with webpack, I mean, gulp for instance is so easy to up and go with, and is fast enough for me
  • 1
    You know that you don't need to keep up with every new thing ? New doesn't always mean better. Most of the popular web dev technologies are already 5+ years old (excluding some) you can easily just go to w3.org and learn the basics of all you need to know there.
    There will always be new technologies popping up here and there. What I do is wait for a year to see if it flies or falls. But again I rarely do web development and everything I need usually already exists.
  • 2
    Not true since once you learn a framework youll have learned the basics of them all in a way .. because all of them share many common principles .. mastering a framework and knowing how to work with one is different
  • 2
    I used to say the same when I just started out. That time it was React, Ember and PolymerJs (da fuq happened to Polymer?)
  • 1
    If you are new to the field, master the basics before becoming too concerned with frameworks.
  • 1
    What's new? HTML5/CSS3/ES6 has been around for a while and it's still the latest. What's changing? 🤔
  • 1
    You don't have to try and adopt every single technology, after learning vanilla js, css, html, and a server side language of your choice then dwelve into the chaos of tools.
  • 2
    JavaScript "basics" are the easy part. But to get involved with "modern" development you need to know webpack/gulp/grunt, npm, babel, eslint, jasmine/chai...

    It doesn't matter what kind of framework you use. The tooling for ES6 frameworks are ridiculous.

    My unscientific guess is that less than 10% of JavaScript developers actually know what the heck each part of their tooling (eg. webpack) does, much less how it works. They just copy paste code/config from one of the 908037 blogs out there that have a similar title to "how to start coding <framework> in 5 easy steps"

  • 0
    Now that you are out, what are you gonna do?
  • 0
    just switch to Backend or AI...you'll be much happier...
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