
So in Chrome, "resume browsing" doesn't actually mean resume browsing, it means "take a shit in the top right corner of my screen and kick it about a bit".

Must be satisfying to create a feature and know that 10 million people open it by accident every day and swear at it.

  • 1
    Wtf does "resume browsing" even mean and what does it do? (Not a chrome user)
  • 3
    @Lensflare When you type something in the omnibox that appears in your history, one of the autocomplete results has a squiggle icon and "resume browsing" next to it, which intuitively you might expect would restore the relevant tab(s) complete with history, or something like that.

    It brings up this shitty popup showing relevant stuff from your browser history. I mean, you can do the intuitive thing with one extra click per tab, but the popup is just a weird, unexpected thing to happen when you click an autocomplete result.

    It causes an instinctive reaction of "oh shit, it's broken, what did I do? How do I make this thing go away?"
  • 3
    Ah yes, I remember using that feature once, and then I promised myself to never use it again.
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