IA art isnt art

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    Yes this image proves it isn't.
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    How could you?!
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    What image generators did you guys use?
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    How do you manage to always misspell AI?
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    @Lensflare they are Spanish: Intelligia de Artificialole
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    not safe for work, but it tells you when
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    @Demolishun Intelligent Algorithm? IA.
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    @Demolishun inteligencia artificial, bitch. 😂

    But kudos for the olé stereotype.
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    @CoreFusionX I did the ole shit on purpose. lol
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    @retoor i just steal from facebook
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    @Demolishun actually yea, in french "intelligence artificielle".

    But also I'm dyslexic so quit shaiming me
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    @CoreFusionX I was in a flamenco tablao last time and they were definitely saying ole
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    I love flamenco. Too bad the reconquista happened otherwise we'd still have jews living in spain
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    @antigermanist one of the reasons I don't like facebook is, is because it feels like some heavy application and the React stuff doesn't feel decent. The website feels fragile somehow. Also, I'm worried that every click you did one day can shared with your relations or smth, what is worse than some targeting company where your stay anonymous. I want to stay anonymous to my loved ones especially. People that i don't know and won't know may know whatever
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    @retoor Facebook is a brainwashing evil machine and the future company that will be the sole sponsor of world governement.

    But react is cool.
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    @antigermanist Vue is cooler. Or even better, not a framework at all. JS development is so rapid already, why would you even use a framework to go even FASTER why it does make lesser results? JS development is the opposite of C development. Time to market is the only value. For C it's sustainability
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    @retoor JSX is the only good part of react tbh.
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    @antigermanist lesdyxic is nothing to be ashamed about.
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    @Demolishun why is her head so big compared to her face
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    @MammaNeedHummus cause anime is basically pedo drawing stylized.
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    @Demolishun Personally I don’t give shit about anime but boy, you must have offended like half of the world‘s population with your statement 🤣
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    @Lensflare well pedo means child. But anime also has a tendency to promote pedophilia. The age of discernment in Japan was 13 years old. I heard it got changed not to long ago to 18. So it makes sense that it would be in their art.
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    @Lensflare to be fair, Hollywood is trending toward pedophilia because they are a bunch of sick fucks that want to normalize it. Seeing this coming from academia with the MAP shit.

    Prediction: some religion is going to come out and say it needs to be legal or they cannot practice their beliefs.
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    @Demolishun it‘s really disgusting how you can just say that it‘s your religion and then it‘s fine. You can do pretty much anything.
    Almost every government doesn‘t dare to step in because the religious fucks will start protesting furiously that you are oppressing religious freedom.
    And there are lot of them fucks. A LOT.
    Heck, half of the world doesn‘t even distinguish between religion and government.
    Our society has a long way to go.
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    @Lensflare I am not against religion. Just against using it to justify barbarism. There are religions currently complaining that without the ability to kill children, that they cannot practice their religion. I don't think all religions and cultures are equal.

    It is part of some cultures to eat the brain of a monkey while it is alive. They put ice on the brain to chill the brain. The monkey looks around while people pick at its brain. Maybe the case can be made that the monkey can't feel anything anymore, but put the animal down first. I have also seen videos of burning dogs alive with a blow torch on their skin. I think this causes the meat to taste better. My guess is that it is causing adrenaline to flood the bloodstream and generating adrenochrome in the blood. Which happens during high duress of a person or animal. Probably makes the meat addictive or something.
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    > Prediction: some religion is going to come out and say it needs to be legal or they cannot practice their beliefs.

    Like the mormon?
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    @Demolishun wait you mean animal babies?
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    @antigermanist I ain't gonna say it.
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