
I was never really interested in score systems until github streak. I wanted to have a streak of a year but got stuck at 40. I like this score system because it represents your productivity in someway and in top it means that you have backupped your source. It's your backup meter.

Anyone else caring about this? What's your longest streak?

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    I did 100 days of X on Twitter once

    actually I stopped at 40, too 🤔

    it wasn't for code

    every day you made a post of what progress you did. I did 100 days of music. yeah that was really too much actually. I made a new music clip in my programmatic music library. I ran out of ideas at 42 I think

    it took me like 4-6 hours a day, to make 5-12 second sound clips lol. if I had bugs I also had to go fix my music library lol
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    @jestdotty awesome. Maintaining this score also takes me hours. I'm never bored. Not having time enough actually 😁
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    On GitHub... Not so much. GitLab, though! It's 6!

    (I once worked on Saturday)

    I have 820 days streak on Duolingo - does that count?
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    @cprn actually, that's impressive as F! It's because that bird is intimidating huh? What language you're learning?
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    I suck at incremental commits, there was a brief period when I had a streak of about 2 weeks and it coincided with the happiest period of my life thus far, but mostly when I'm immersed in a project needing to round it out into a commit just feels like an interruption, and I never remember to do it when I'm actually done with something.
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    Longest streak was 21 days.

    That small town in nebraska is still trying to figure out who the naked man running through town was.
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    @retoor I used to do Mandarin for work. Nowadays, it's mostly English⇋Spanish and the lately added course in maths. I wanted to start Klingon, but I'm a seasonal trekker — only get into it when a new movie comes out.
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    @lorentz No judgement, but smells like bad practice. 😆 Nowadays I spin up a git repo for everything diff-able, including this comment.
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    @cprn I use git for backups and sync, most commits aren't even syntactically correct, because I commit when I need to switch machhines.
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