DB team: We will have someone reach out to you and set up a call for your database support request.

Me: *this will suck...some dude with a super strong accent, audio that sounds like crap on a 56k modem, and horns beeping in the background*

DB team: The support engineer is actually from your same area.

Me: Nice! *maybe an American*

DB engineer: "uh yes ello dish is ramajadeshava and I will be supporting each and every request"

Me: *fuck...but at least there's no horns in the background*

  • 2
    I had to call my bank for reversing a fraud credit card transaction. got pulled to a specific line to do that. the person on the end was Indian, asked me what dates the transactions were on... on her end the dates were on another day. that took her like 20 minutes to figure out

    I don't think she was new... she actually said "oh yeah sometimes they're a day or two off" bruh what, then why were you confused so long?

    am not a fan. I mean she was nice enough but ???
    evidently time zones is a difficult concept. when all you do is have people call in to reverse fraud charges on their cards and then send them a new card. that's your whole job. how could you suck at it when that's all you do
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