
There are only two kinds of open source projects:
1. Short, all-lowercase, starts with “lib”, written in C, obscure author, used by 80% of the electronic devices on earth and in space, the modern civilization as we know it will collapse immediately should this library disappear
2. Name that tells you nothing, readme has the “Philosophy” section and emojis, written in JavaScript, author has 20k Twitter followers and 50k GitHub stars. When you run it, your laptop’s coolers start spinning like crazy
3. Common Lisp

  • 3
    Loved the first two. But Lisp, let's ditch that thing for once and for all. Overrated piece of shit. Nobody is actually doing something with it
  • 1
    @retoor does clojure count? I haven't built anything useful with it but it's very cool.
  • 4
    4. Fake open source
  • 3
    Index out of bounds!
  • 1
    @spongessuck kiki is a fan
  • 3
    IMO Lisp is a combination of brilliant ideas that still ends up a horrible language because its designers didn't and couldn't have understood the impact of any of them.

    Every popular language today bears its legacy in many ways, and every one of them is desperately trying not to become Common Lisp.
  • 0
    @lorentz what’s your favorite lisp dialect?
  • 2
    @kiki Javascript :) for real though, Clojure is probably my favourite for its pragmatism while keeping most of the macro system. It's a big inspiration
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