No matter what you believe or what you don't believe in. Or what you look like, I hope my you all are doing well financially.

Financial stability and financial freedom are the corner stone of all freedoms.

Wish you health, wealth and happiness.

  • 3
    I'm not a fan of what I'm doing currently, but it's fully remote and it's a lot of money.

    There are times when I miss people and would rather work in my local market, but it's just so much money I wouldn't consider leaving at this point. The company is a startup and has had stability issues, but they just got a big round of funding and have a runway until 2025.

    I'm going to stick with it because there are so many of my own side projects I want to complete. At my current savings rate, I could pay off my house in ~4 years too, even with buying things for side projects.

    Thanks for your post. It's good to be reminded the importance of financial stability in these very weary times.
  • 0
    Money isnt real. Property is theft. Korean chicken is so fucking expensive.

    Koreans are the best asians, especially the north.
  • 0
    @djsumdog wow you manage to save money?
  • 0
    petit-bourgeoisie swine
  • 1
    I want all the people

    who want others to be poor
    or bludgeoned by finances to be "nudged" into choices so they can pretend it wasn't coercion

    to become poor
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