I just watched Jordan Peterson's video about women's fantasy, no wonder why I fell off the wagon lmao

College was when I was at my prime, hitting the gym 5 times a week, looking buff as hell, being aggressive and retarded.

Now I had to turn into a fat fuck to get exempt from the military, hyperinflation, depression, shit skin.

Conclusion: fuck life, antinatalism is the way.

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    What do women want? Give a summary :)
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    @retoor TLDR google engineers found out that women like mythical creatures such as vampires, werewolves, pirates etc by analyzing their porn searches

    Meaning women desire an "Alpha" to tame, basically same as it ever was in the caveman days, where women look for a strong aggressive male to protect her and the children
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    @UberSalt pirates? Haha. Horses are missing in the list
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    @retoor there's some weird ass dudes obsessed about being horses
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    @retoor That's....beastiality
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    I used to read a lot of vampire fan fiction cuz that was just the only thing there. also Harry Potter -- guess that didn't make it into the statistic

    in reality werewolves are better. in reality my most favourite stories were about murderers and insane asylum inmates

    anyway am now dating a werewolf so true I guess

    pirates are kind of dicks. fun maybe but to the friend zone, meh. I don't remember those being popular

    surgeon was also on that list I believe

    also duh they just wanna date someone who is capable enough of protecting them. otherwise what's the point. a lot of people I dated it's like I was just dating myself and they were some tag-along. bruh why do I need you then if I'm doing everything and there's not even a nitch you're fitting. it's just sad. if there's gender differences there should be some things you're better at than me, and I keep being told women can't hunt without men by all them incels but in reality it's like serving some useless child king and you're bored
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    @UberSalt forbidden in NL since 2004. I remember it like the day of yesterday
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    @retoor NL be crazy
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    @UberSalt ponies were better tho. More stamina but smaller pp's
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    @UberSalt Yeah, accurate enough. Who wouldn’t want something a bit larger than life?
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    Jordan Peterson is the biggest retard of all lmao.

    His psychology is weak and literally backward (like maybe if you're so against neo-constructivist theory you shouldn't use them in your thesis, idiot).

    He got fired not because of a sinister woke gay kabale or whatever, as he claimed. He got fired because you're not supposed to be a media sensation while doing a clinical practice (ya know, for your patient).

    Dont take anything he say seriously lmao
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    He's the new freud. A drugged-up retard who's entire academic field is based on the idea that all little girl feels inferior and wish they had a dick ahahah

    They're follower deserved their life misery
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    That guy is a rambling dipshit who hates women and people who don't agree with him. But he's got a whole lot of words for why that isn't true. My god, so many.

    Lately he's especially helpful to parents who need their kid to break their leg on a Big Toy in order to be a man.
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    I thought I had my beliefs thought out but reading the uni-bomber manifesto and listening to some of JP's arguments has made me rethink things.

    There are other things and other people who make me take their arguments into account but not as much.
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    @retoor as women say "i like money!"
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