
When your colleagues have no tests for their code and tell you not to touch it, because it WORKS!

  • 7
    Fuck that's just cruel man. So close yet so far away
  • 13
    Schrodinger’s beer
  • 2
    Just drink many beers from the other site and if you are really really drunk open the right door and hope that the luck is with the drunk 😁 That would be my plan! 🍻
  • 0
    Ever so slightly tilt the fridge slowly, preferably when it's turned off for a couple of hours. This also happend to me a couple of months ago at my work place..
  • 2
    @stevenliemberg for hours? That's not how physics work buddy 😂 The bottle doesn't randomly decides it doesn't want to be tilted anymore and jumps back
    Either it falls back, or it doesn't. The chance that the warming up air changes anything is at under 1% I suppose
  • 3
    @Kimmax you want to wait a couple of hours to let all the cooling liquid inside come to rest at it's lowest point, it's better for the fridge pump. The waiting has nothing to do with getting the bottle back in place...
  • 1
    @stevenliemberg well that makes more sense
  • 0
    Push a towel under the bottle from the left door then open up the right.
  • 1
    It's bad beer on both sides, this test is always |fail|.
  • 1
    break that glass
  • 0
    No tests and taste...bad UX is guaranteed
  • 1
    I felt bad for the beer. Then I realized that it is only becks.
  • 1
    If you are experienced you can open it up quickly and catch any faults before it causes a crash.
  • 0
    I have personally managed to lead such projects. When there is little money and ur in a rush, this turns out to be an art to finish a project in a very little timeframe.
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