
I have this recurring dream of waking up in a Chinese hospital and the nurses attempting to kill me. Gives me a pill, says they are "vitamins" and then I get paralyzed after taking it. I'm trying to run away from the hospital while but unable to move a muscle.

Anyway, I got banned on Instagram for saying "Gas the jews" on a someone's live.

  • 0
    Are you sure it is a dream ? That could be the faith of those who are banned on Instagram...
  • 5
    Good to hear that you are being banned at least on other platforms. 👍
  • 1
    just take the pills. trust me. better for everyone, you nazi scum.
  • -1
    You need help, seriously! Hopefully you’re just trolling and not actually this evil irl
  • 0
    r u reacting with genocide to the genocide u feel will happen to u
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