
Am I the asshole?

I was walking back home on the boulevard, there is construction work going on so there is bareers on both side of the sidewalk / cycling lane.

I walk and I pass by a car. I look back and I see the car is driving at walking pace beside an old guy and his dog. The guy kept saying ""please leave me alone I do not want to talk to you" , but she kept going for a while until I screamed "YO STOP HARASSING PEDESTRIANS".

Then the idiot drove back to me and start saying something. No idea what, i started screaming to get the fuck out. She drove right behind me for a while.

Then she proceeded to keep harassing me at the groceries store.

I shouldnt have lost it tbh even though she was clearly in the wrong (like how the fuck do you harass people walking by driving beside them, just say sorry and bug off).

If I had been cold blooded I could have told her about my friend who got crippled because of some idiot like her.

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    Maybe she was asking for directions and the old guy was rude and refused to talk to her.

    Point is: You don‘t know what happened but you have assumed that she was harassing pedestrians.
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    Who gives a fuck? This isn't r/AITA
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    @atheist do you have a car?
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    @Lensflare do you often drive at walking pace, on the sidewalk, beside people who dont want to talk to you? Is that a common occurence?

    Please tell me I dont drive, I only breathe their shit, do not know.

    The only thing I know is that we should stop considering those idiots as people lmao
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    Yes but I didn't read the story
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    @mostr4am nope, it’s not common.
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    @Lensflare well then why do you think I'm the asshole and not her being in the wrong.

    Remember we're talking about this kind of idiot:

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    @mostr4am I didn‘t say you are the asshole and I don‘t think that you are (in this case ;)).

    I‘m just saying that you don‘t know why that woman did that and maybe it‘s none of your business. You could be the asshole.
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    @mostr4am Maybe the old guy was her dad with dementia... Could be a lot of reasons from that kind.
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    @Lensflare yeah you are right. I should stay quiet. It annoys people more when somebody stays calm and contained.
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    @Grumm the occam razor's principle says she was just a cnt
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    @mostr4am I didn't read your post, I just gave a gut reaction. This place isn't exactly called "Shiny happy people laughing".
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    @atheist hey thats an idea. I still have a devrant clone I'm going to call it that.

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    @jestdotty yea but thats the thing. With the distance, I think she was just a normal woman who made a mistake and tried to push back on people who told her off. She was in the wrong, but it's not her per so.

    You are right, but still I wish i would stay calmer. One can express one-self clearly and firmly without losing it.
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    @mostr4am I'm not sure if you got my reference https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/rem-sh...
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    @atheist I thought REM were a kind of sleep
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    @jestdotty yea exactly. I dont care you made a mistake and put your car on the wrong lane but just say sorry and fuck off like an adult -_-
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    @Lensflare ehh. then why would she have followed him afterwards. He was cleary in the right, if not in the first place, then in the second place when she followed him.
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    @joewilliams007 I don’t know, you don’t know. Nobody knows.
    I don’t like do judge based on assumptions.
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    "Am I the asshole?"


    always yes.

    the details don't even matter.
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