So apparently, there's a "leaked" recording of the AWS CEO telling software devs to stop coding and be prepared for the day when "AI takes over software development."

Can someone point me in the direction of the AWS Headquarters?

*cocks shotgun*

I just wanna talk

  • 12
    Classic verbal diarrhea from a clueless guy in a high position in a big company.
  • 11
    Similar topic:

    Now that some AI has been trained on Doom and is able to reproduce it more or less accurately in 20 fps, suddenly youtube is full with videos which claim that the era of game engines has ended and that game development will never be the same.
  • 12
    @Lensflare I cannot imagine how shit AI generated games will be...wait...I do. Basically any Gamemaker title, or EA...
  • 1
    The CEO? What the fuck. You don't say anything until you're sure. Do you want your employees to run away or you just want to make them feel bad? Unbelievable
  • 2
    to be fair AWS is making a deal with anthropic and anthropic is actually quite good

    it can actually teach me stuff my brain didn't come up with myself and wasn't as simple as aggregating a search result. it seems to have some "intelligence". do wonder how they did that

    but humans learn SURPRISINGLY fast. like if I imagine it it's literally no contest. most people just don't want to learn. if they're motivated AI is literally no contest. AI engineers will take 4 years getting a new thinking pattern into the AI and the world will witness it for 1-2 weeks and it's already boring and all of us can do it.

    most people are dumb because they weren't ever taught, or had a model, of how to think. if they think they can just teach an AI how to think and that will "dominate" humans I am gonna be rolling on the floor laughing. the world is Idiocracy because we have no role models. you put the best cognitive tools in an AI? we have a 2nd enlightenment 🤣
  • 2
    @Demolishun honestly it may as well be the end of Ubisoft, ea, activision, et all.
    Or so I wish.
  • 3
    @ars1 yeah, if you can be replaced by AI, then you probably weren’t doing anything valuable to begin with 😂

    In other words: The CEO has admitted that what they are doing is so dull that it can be easily replaced by AI.
  • 2
    Every year someone comes with something new that will change the world and eventually becomes boring after a few month.
  • 1
    @Tounai I dunno, I am still laughing about people who make micropenis websites and advertise their deformity.
  • 0
    "leaked" *wink*
  • 1
    @Demolishun I didn‘t know they exist and that there are so many of them. Care to explain how you know? 😂
  • 3
    @Lensflare at one time I registered the domain: oldmanmicro.com. This was going to be for a microcontroller website where people could learn electronics and software. However, if I searched for "old man micro" or similar the 3rd or 4th hit down was some dude talking about his micro penis. I think I ranted about this a long time ago. I can't remember for sure.
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  • 0
    @ars1 we got us a god damn ORACLE over hear guys.

    What a fucking meme.

    "AI recreates doom. EA execs busy writing suicide notes."
  • 3
    I’m a shit coder. I have this mental block I’ve never been able to shake where I don’t know where to start and what to type to start any project. AI has _saved my bacon_ in that I can ask it to help me get started and it does. Amazingly well. But it’s still not smart enough to just tell it to create all the code for a full application. Humans are still needed for that. For now.
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