Caching is a fucking bitch.
Most of the time, it causes more problems than it's trying to solve.

  • 9
    that's because most of the time, most people are just doing it wrong.
  • 1
    The memory is already cached for you. Keep that in mind. Write code in a way so it relays on that cache.

    Keep memory together. Allocate once and big and allocate yourself from that previous memory block like an Arena does. Blazing fast, used in graphics stuff.

    With doing this right in the core prevents needs of a cache in some places. But you need a decent language for it
  • 1

    Sure, if you're coding for an environment where you have full control. But how do you suggest you do this in, say, a web application where the browser takes care of all that? No, I'm talking about caching in general and nowadays I find myself coding in high-level languages in friendly and "helpful" environments where everything from memory allocation to garbage collection and caching, not to mention graphics, happens magically under the hood. Don't get me wrong, I do appreciate the simplicity of modern programming and don't want to go back to Assembler or even C, but the downside is, of course less control. Caching in general, and especially in web browsers, is one of the things that can drive med mad! In Firefox, it doesn't even help to check the "Disable cache". It fucking caches anyway, that sod of a program. I doubt that it's any better in any other browser. I wouldn't know as I refuse to use Chrome and Edge, which are both crap IMHO.
  • 0
    Yeah damn straight. And to also message Steven that fucking hoe he a bitch too
  • 2
    Ah shit, I forgot to cache bust my script file and now my company is bankrupt.
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    @tosensei My thought exactly.
  • 0
    This is what I'm talking about.

    I've clearly disabled cache in Firefox (highlighted in green), yet Firefox doesn't automatically reload content when reloading the page, but instead I need to open the developer console, choose the Networking tab and manually click "Uppdatera" (Update) to reload the content. I mean...we...what...why...how is this sort of idiocy supposed to be helpful to a developer? Just reload the fucking page and all of its content every time so I can immediately see the effect of any code change I've made! I don't care if it takes a few more milliseconds! Just screw the fucking cache already!
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