
So, today I was very happy with my new chromecast. I can hold a button on remote and tell him what to search on youtube. But it's impossible to let it search forward tsoding. It just doesn't understand. So, very confident I spelled tsoding and expected it to understand correctly. No! From all freaking miles we made to AI, it can't fucking understand spelling? How hard could that be. So now, I still often have to use my phone. Big downer.

Also: you never know if it will answer a question you made or if it'll search for videos. Seems very random.

I should be able to add things to Callender by just speaking to it but it says that it doesn't have permissions and can't find them nowhere.

Besides that, this new one is usable as network drive of 4Gb. Good source file backup network drive. I already try to contribute to the webdav server on it. The implementation is a bit sad and I already wrote a whole full featured webdav server myself. Also offered Dutch translation.

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