
I've spent months with like 200ms+ ping and I just read the Arch wiki for my network card for the first time. Turns out its a common issue that is fixed with one dam kernel parameter. Now my ping is <30ms. Linux just be like that ig.

  • 0
    Don't hold out on us.
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    I suppose this ensues an even quicker scroll of IG videos or YT shorts. Or even quicker scroll of porn videos/thumbnails
  • 1
    @jestdotty you're asking the wrong question. Don't ask what linux can do for you. Ask what you can do for linux.

    For real, it's on discord and bluetooth drivers to make their shit run on linux, not the opposite.
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    @jestdotty also pipewire is pretty good at that, I dont have that much issues even though im doing music and doing experimental shit with jack all the time
  • 2
    @jestdotty I find this to be true in Linux. But the alternative is losing your freedom/privacy.
  • 1
    Gotta get my hands on some of that Linux copium. Shit seems potent as hell
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