
Are HR universally incompetent? I recently rejected an offer from a company mostly because of their incompetent HR.

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    Let's face it, it's not a very educated job and mainly done by good looking girls. So yh..
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    @jestdotty you too but I'm a bit scared for piercings
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    I don’t know but sounds like a bad reason to reject an offer. You probably won’t have much contact with HR in your daily work.
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    I had an offer from a rather prominent company, and when I had accepted and was finalizing the start date, HR tried to take the salary down 1.0%... and this is after all the negotiations & acceptance and hands were shook with the hiring manager.

    1% is nothing serious (back then about 1,500/yr), but when the company pulls that kind of garbage, what else will they do later?

    If I were not so shocked, I would have used that to negotiate up 5%. Instead, I was stupid and let my feelings get in the way. When I told her that the deal was already confirmed, she said, “Well, we are (Bigshot Company Name Here)..." as if they could do whatever they wanted. I politely said, “Oh, I see, then I will have to decline. Thank you very much for your time." and that was that.
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    @xcodesucks I worked somewhere for years but hadn't signed their contract that whole time. they gave me a contract and a NDA and the NDA was insane, a manager kept telling me it was fine and they'd never enforce it. doubt. I procrastinated and then eventually everybody forgot I never signed either of them so I just kept going

    2 years in they realized I never signed these and sent me ones to sign. but the amount of hours per week were 40 instead of 37.5 in the contract, and these guys were so scummy -- I was "salaried" but they did deductions to my pay if I was 15 minutes under in a week for example

    I told HR my hours have always been 37.5, please change to reflect that and they did

    unfortunately signed that stupid NDA though, that anything I did they owned, even any ideas I came up with. later when I worked for that company again they no longer had that NDA. fuck that thing gave me nightmares. it made my life a nightmare. felt like slavery
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    @jestdotty do they really want to own the sex games you sell from patreon?
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    Who’s competent these days ?
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    @vane there's a group with a concerted effort to make everyone as incompetent as possible, bingo 😝

    step 1: normalize incompetence, create a culture to celebrate incompetence and to hate the competent people

    step 2: hide real information from people and feed them bullshit until they die / everything collapses
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