
I want to remake hunger games.
But its just that last 2nd or 3rd scene where catpiss everclear is ugly crying and neurotically yelling at her sisters cat, for like two hours straight.

RIP Finnick. The only good character. Otherwise it would have been a completely unwatchable series of movies.

Sometimes I wake up and just choose violence. Fight me.

  • 5
    I want to make the thirsty games where instead of battle Royale it's pillow fights and mud wrestling.
  • 5
    @spongessuck thats like your average japanese game show, only no one dies.
  • 4
    I always found the premise of the hunger games somewhat ridiculous.

    Like, sure, dystopian totalitarian government wants to punish an uprising by killing random children from the districts.

    I'm sure that will absolutely not produce any resentment in said districts.

    Also, you sacrifice perfectly good workers for sport.

    Also, I find it hard as hell to believe that you can't have prosperity for everyone when you have crazy shit technology that you use for retarded traps (pods) that for some reason never malfunction or cause any issues in the capitol.

    I am aware that that's not the underlying message of the series, but I just find the premises stretch thin my suspension of disbelief.
  • 2
    I'm the only one finding that girl from the hunger games unattractive
  • 4
    Somebody said "hunger games" on devRant?

  • 3
    @CoreFusionX it doesn't matter if they're mad, they're so subjugated they can't do anything about it. this is actually very congruent to how this psychology of dictatorships works irl -- someone in power will lord it over others, by being sadistic towards them and instill hatred in them on purpose, because they literally can't do anything back. it's a power move.

    it also has the bonus of causing evolutionary pressure on the populace -- anyone who has the genes to fight back will reveal themselves and by revealing themselves will have their rowdy genes removed from the pool of slaves.

    on the culture-level it serves as demoralization: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

    you can have prosperity for everyone NOW but why would someone with prosperity care to help? the point is to show the elites as monsters devoid of empathy. in historical contexts they think the poors are animals and not human, so empathy does not work on the neurological level (similarity = empathy)
  • 1
    There was a sex scene filmed in Empire Strikes back. They cut it as the fan base was 8 year old boys. If this was filmed today they would have kept it. Probably some other stupid shit too. RIP Star Wars franchise.
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    @CoreFusionX honestly, ever since 2021 and beyond I think it is tame. Some crazy pos police guy in the UK wants to extradite people in the USA for memes. I expect he wants to sodomize some sweet USA ass. I think shit like the hunger games is close in some parts of the world. We have people being sent for "reeducation" in some places.
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    @jestdotty oh gawd you just reminded me of a story I heard about a diver near Cuba. Nobody knew what Castro did with the bodies. Some diver found people attached to chains that they sunk to the bottom of the sea holding people floating underwater. Likes hundreds or thousands of people. I don't know if that messed up the divers brain or not.
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    @Demolishun they would've made everyone of color, gay, and trans at the same time now tho

    and specifically had the intention to make the white males as uncomfortable as possible. as is written in some game publisher's documents as literal intentions

    this is also a demoralization tactic. get violated and say nothing. it's a rapist grooming tactic. before they start abusing you. because you're used to reflexively letting things pass. pushing boundaries until you no longer respond, and you become an inert object sitting on the shelf until they have a use for you and you jump for joy at the attention because you're morbidly depressed
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    @vintprox ah nostalgia.
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    @retoor I gotta disagree. Nothing sexier than a dangerous women in a leather gettup.
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    @Demolishun my 12 inch Black C*ck of Justice (tm) would wreck that weak limp-wristed tyrant.

    Someone's looking at this comment, RIGHT NOW, and questioning their choices about whether to remain on devrant.
  • 4
    @jestdotty I only upvoted because you're bold enough to discuss controversial topics.

    I always tell people if you don't like whats in a game/movie, you could just not buy it.

    I had a proper brawl with a gay friend for a gay joke. He lost his mind and attacked me.

    Split our friends circle right down the middle.

    Later I asked the other four why they chose to stay.

    One of them told us "because you don't pretend to agree with my lifestyle."

    Real friends tell each other the truth, and then they treat each other like precious metals anyway. You either want to silence people, or you want to know who they are.

    It's about when the chips are down, do you have someone's back, even if you don't like their 1. partner choices, 2. religion, 3. any other belief.

    tl;dr It doesn't matter what you believe, these are others beliefs, not your own. Do you still hang out? Do you still look out for eachother? Only questions that matter.

    What australians call "their mates", or "cunts".
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    @Wisecrack Helga would like a word, a safe word.
  • 1
    @Demolishun Oh shit, I can't remember. She'll just have to try extra hard to *help me remember*.
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