Well guy has some trust issues

  • 10
    This rant become after 50hr debuggin' line by line
  • 12
    Android, is that you?
  • 7
    Can confirm that new Bundle() sometimes return null.
  • 1
    @MLK79 wait... What?
  • 5
    @joelbandi I'm just messing. This is Android and Java though, so I wouldn't say it's out of the realm of possibility.
  • 23
    Had a friend that recounted a tale of someone who wrote something like:
    alert('you should never see this');

    Years later they got a call saying, I just got a message saying "you should never see this"
  • 0
    @dkomito Ah, threading issue.
  • 1
    @rtannerf we should bundle the whole thing and run away
  • 1
    If that's osgi I completely understand
  • 1
    How it is even possible in this world?
  • 1
    @Gowtham95india I got the impression that it may have happened a lot of years ago. Don't remember what system it was supposed to be on.
  • 1
    @dkomito may be there is the same alert message in another place.
  • 0
    If that code is C# and Bundle inherits from ContextBoundObject, and you have injected your own activator, then yes, the new statement can return null.
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