Week : 53 ( Year 1 )

How is your weekend going?

Which night would you like better, Friday night, Saturday night, or Sunday night?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/11060545

  • 3
    Keep buggering on, I suppose.
  • 4
    I feel like I’ve felt already what there is to feel in this world
  • 2
    Elden ring
    And leetcode until my brain melts
  • 2
    Working on regex compiler / interpreter. Try to make it faster than the original one from C. I'm winning, but for how long as i add more futures? It's very hard to beat, at the beginning i didn't know where to start. Now implemented a bytecode interpreter.

    Also benchmarking some stuff, i like that.

    I prefer Friday, it was cooler then. Today it will be 30+ degrees outside what means in my house smth like 36. And no, i don't have an airco for three warm days in a year in the Netherlands.

    What will you do yourself?
  • 1
    Last Friday Night
  • 1
    Wasn't bad. Would've been better if I'd finished fixing my 3d printer. Currently waiting for work to finish so that I can go home and carry on.

    Saturday night. Friday night I'm too drained from the week and Sunday night is always a rush. Busy trying to get as much done as possible before heading to bed ready for Monday.
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