
Thinking about including a file that is named: pleasedontdelete.cpp into the codebase. Don't include it in the project and put vague references to things in the code. Put variables that could be misconstrued as being related to bitcoin or some other cryptocoin. Put lots of comments saying: experimental.

Got a weird growth on my finger. Tried cutting if off with a razor blade. Now it is a stinging bleeding growth. Is not getting bigger. Just seems like a weird callous.

Found out gdscript has threading. Now I understand why Godot went away from Python. They actually wanting to do shit like threading. Every time I look into the gdscript library I find new gems. I mean it has a xml stuff in there. Found that today too.

Probably going to make a simple custom editor for a game I have been playing. I built a prototype a few years back on a weekend. Played the game again and now want it. I originally used Qt and C++. I think I will now try to make it in Godot.

I have been moved around the building as they move offices around. Now back upstairs instead of downstairs. Currently alone in a huge room that had cubicles. I am the only cube left. It feels like Davy Crocket at the Alamo. YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!

  • 2
    this all sounds cool and exciting
  • 2
    They just wanted their own script language because it's cool i guess. Python is a very advanced language that's easy to embed. I would've sticked with it.

    Btw, python supports real threading for ages. See concurrent.futures library. It has a ThreadPoolExecutor and ProcesPoolExecutor.

    You can use it like:

    with ThreadPoolExecutor(workers=4) as executor:

    executor.submit(your_task, *args, **kwargs)


    Nice right?
  • 1
    @retoor I have used the process based threading in Python. It is not great.

    I think they chose better to make a language designed for game engine needs. They also support C#. Python was not a great choice IMO.
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