
I've been wondering a lot lately: what is a toxic relationship? How do you know if you are in one?

A lot of stories sure sound clearcut from the outside, but its not as simple...

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    You suffer in it. The positives don't outweigh the negatives and your psychological state supports that theory.
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    @jestdotty thank you for the long post, i feel like that cleared it up a little bit :)
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    usually in toxic relationships they will harm you physically or emotionally, putting you down, making you feel less and isolating you.

    they might lie to you and make you think you're crazy, and because you no longer have people around you, you can't have an outside perspective.

    it's hard to leave those relationships, because they'll treat you well a few times to make you question yourself and you might love them, and there isn't much to be done about that.

    they can be romantic and platonic alike, friends can be just as toxic as romantic partners.
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    Oh cmon, its not that bad
    Or rather i was more interested in the milder stuff, there ain't no greyzone if they fucking beat you.
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