
vim or emacs !?!

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    world peace
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    what do you use then?!! @drRoss
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    @juba Unfortunately we were forced to use Ubuntu or Linux mint in college, and we use Ubuntu for our dev-env in work
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    but isn't nano limited?! or is there a way to add modules!? @smithalan2
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    just install vim
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    @juba very basic, really just for simple file creating or editing. Our dev env in works runs using Vagrant so I only use nano for making really quick small changes. If I was dealing with some other Linux hosts I'd use MobaXterm to Ssh in and edit the files using Sublime :)
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    Emacs first, vim second, bloated IDE well down the list.
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    I don't typically have to edit non-project files...

    so phpstorm I guess?
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    adonit jot script.
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    @StefanH EMACS is amazing. its a lisp interpreter...so anything you want to do in it, you can.

    I had a buddy who did everything in it from web browsing, email, work...
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    Can't live without vim (or at least vim bindings)
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    @StefanH Emacs is a programmable editor made by programmers for themselves (and other programmers).

    You have a repetitive editing job to carry out. Nothing beats Emacs for an easy speedy one-off macro. Find it useful? Give it a name and save it.

    Try M-x occur (same file) and M-x grep (collection of files) to quickly show relevant text and jump between them.

    But you only learn how to use Emacs by using it for everything until it becomes second nature - which probably takes one to two weeks.
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    the buffer size is amazing
    I can edit files that have thousands of lines of code/text , on #builder #atom #gedit or other editors i have time to make coffee before it loads
    on emax navigating through text goes like a hot knife through butter.
    i have a Haswell i5 and always 4GB free RAM.
    That's just one aspect @StefanH
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