
I tried github copilot. Spent the first hour trying to work out how to turn off the inline copilot popup star thing. Asked copilot. It gave me the wrong answer. So, a coding AI doesn't even understand its own documentation.

Our jobs are safe.

  • 6
    It's a glorified snippet engine
  • 2
    @kobenz Exactly this, sometimes I'm writing boilerplate so I wanted to give it a try to see where it can help. I won't be paying for it I don't think, but interesting to try
  • 11
    yeah. our job isn't in danger from generative AI, just as a carpenters job isn't in danger from a saw.
  • 4
    @tosensei yeah I use it for stupid stuff like generating enums, it’s my personal code monkey
  • 4
    To be fair, it doesn’t need to be understanding your job to replace it.

    And an AGI doesn’t need to be sentient or to understand humans to wipe them off the planet.

    People do forget that intelligence doesn’t need to be what we humans think of it in order to be effective.
  • 1
    I can't imagine myself asking AI how to do stuff, the moment I ask the correct question I can as well answer it myself.

    The answer is always simple, it's 42
  • 2
    @Lensflare Our jobs are safe. We might not be...
  • 1
    @vane Same, I can think faster than I can code, but there are times when I want to make a change that amounts to boilerplate where it doesn't need thinking, just some repetitive edit. Like I recently changed where and how file names were declared, and it just required moving 30 plus declarations and some syntactic sugar which... Yeah, AI can probably do that better than me.
  • 2
    @atheist try codeium, it's free and I've read that it's better than copilot. I used it for a while but had to trash my vscode instance with plugins. Not sure if I'll install again. It did some impressive stuff but I made so many stupid mistakes. Forgetting to declare pointers and stuff and sometimes it gives you a var for completion that isn't part of your source. I'll just keep on typing I guess. Never hated it. My kb sounds like an AK47
  • 2
    @retoor rah tatatah tatatah raratataratatatatatatatatata
  • 1
    @kobenz yeah, totallii
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