All web developers should support up to IE9 without any problems.

Why? Because in Korea, it is normal.

Every person uses that damn Win7, which has either IE9 or IE10. Without IE support, no one will browse your webpage.

Now you would ask us, why don't you use other modern browsers?

We would then ask you, why would you install a new browser that is
1. Buggy
2. Heavy
3. Takes up ram
4. Has so many features
when you have an awesome minimalistic browser that is preinstalled, and works in all Windows? No thanks.

So, if you put a message saying you will soon drop support of IE, it means that you won't target Korea. Just after the support drop, there won't be traffic to your web site.

So what is the point of this rant?
1. We love IE. Lol
2. IE is lightweight, minimalistic, and the fastest browser in the world.
3. All websites should NOT drop support for IE.
4. We don't care whether web devs will have a hard time. We just think websites are built with Wix and Wordpress, and they work in IE, meaning, IE support is the number one priority.
5. If you ever start a business in Korea, and has a website, make sure to hire an senior Korean web dev who has worked with IE for a long time.
6. Here is the tl;dr
Hate us. Period.

  • 9
    @AlexDeLarge Yeah, we are completely normal except the high use of IE.
    Still it is a good country.

    And I use vivaldi.
  • 16
    Win 7 supports IE11, so your argument is invalidated
  • 15
    *South Korea

    Footer: North Korea doesn't have internet.
  • 5
    I read Lol somewhere on this rant. Sounds like a sarcasm.
  • 5
    The last release of IE was 3 years ago...
    I couldn't care less about Korean users then.
  • 3
    Get a better browser dude
  • 2
    That too when we now have multiprocess Firefox Quantum
  • 1
    1. lol
    2. lol
    3. lol
    4. lol
    5. Sure, why not
    6. Ok
  • 0
    1. ok
    2. ok
    3. ok
    4. ok
    5. yah
    6. *__*
    @itsnameless Most use IE. Others ofc use Chrome or Firefox
    @1nfinite i said i use vivaldi
    @filthyranter Still they *updates* it...
    @github They have.
    @RiderExMachina Old ones didn't. At least back then.
    @error503 Nah
  • 2
    @CozyPlanes Internet as in Open internet. Not only national restricted websites which are under heavy surveillance and controlled by the government (dictator).
  • 2
    I'm sorry, but isn't there a kroea where there is no real internet?

    Oh, @github said it already. Well then lets optimize for this one country, eh?
  • 2
    Erm, no. I barely support IE11.
  • 4
  • 4
    You've apparently never used any browser but ie so I guess I know where your misinformation is originating from. Your post actually is motivating me to drop IE support quicker. I don't want traffic from your country 90% is malicious.
  • 2
    @heyheni Samsung's stock browser is over edge 😂
  • 3
    I expected better
  • 3
    @CozyPlanes let me be clear on something : both ie and win 7 are legacy.
    Instead of developing some kind of expertise in prehistoric technology, you should develop one in helping people moving away from them.
    That way everybody wins.
  • 1
    @heyheni remove Android users from those stats
  • 4
    We dropped support for IE last year and that saved us a lot of money and frustration.
    Most of our clients are in India and we help them to upgrade to Chrome, if they're using IE.
    We don't sell our products to anyone refuse to use modern browsers.
    I hope most companies do that, so that we can make IE extinct from everywhere.
  • 2
    Yep, 1 country doesn't add to the effort to support that piece of garbage which is IE. Ps: in the past couple of months I worked with IE11, and hated it wholeheartedly. Pss: this rant looks sarcastic
  • 0
    Ok, hell lot of feedback!

    Ofc, there are many people using Chrome and Firefox, but I meant that still many people use IE, bcuz it works.

    I am not yelling at you to support IEs. It was just a way to tell ya that there is a lot of people still using IE.

    Hope that clarifies.
    (or just hate me)
  • 3
    Dude, IE is the wooden wheel of browser. Sure, at some point it was the best around, it still works and some lunatic still use it.

    Is it a good reason for you to use it? And even worse, help people using it!?
  • 3
    @CozyPlanes it does not just work, that's the problem, it's buggy, insecure and unsupported even by MS themselves, and as of next year with the new encryption protocols going main stream, anything before IE 11 will not be able to negotiate the new encryptions and effectively be locked out of every https site on the planet, meaning no banking, no shopping, no trading, no crypto, FUCK ALL.

    So go right ahead, keep using the browser supported by nothing and no one, great way to feel like the Americans do now, well sort of, all they got is slow net, you guys will soon have no net, or at least nothing that gives 2 shits about security.
  • 2
    This rant is getting hot in holidays!
  • 2
    @CozyPlanes 😅 keeps you warm during winter!
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