
Arrived today, hyped!

I have real-world experience with MongoDB, MySQL, Firebase, and caching with Redis.

A colleague in ops recommended this book a while back and I thought I'd give it a whirl to better understand what other options I have available.

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    I’m checking out Redis & Mongo*
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    Sounds good!
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    Typically the "whirling" of a novel is associated with it being "hucked" across a room followed by expletives
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    don't forget graph databases like www.neo4j.com
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    @heyheni InfluxDB is a must if you play with Arduino/Rpi sensors. It makes it really easy to store and query time series at various resolutions and do calculations/aggregations with those datapoints.
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    @bittersweet learnt something new! Thank you :)
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    I only worked with RoundRobin Databases some time ago, I always thought databases were kinda boring.
    But since we discuss SQL in school it seems quite cool (although we don't really do anything in school, only thing we did in about 7-8 lessons is creating a database ¯\_(ʘ_ʘ)_/¯ )
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