
I don't know what it is but, isnit just me or does anyone else just find writing JavaScript really fun?

No... Just me? Ok cool

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    I'm right there with you.
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    @spongessuck It's oddly satisfying how fun JS actually is haha
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    What else have you tried?
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    @kpenc GML, C#, BASIC and a little assembly, not as enjoyable as I find JavaScript
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    You've written in the most unpleasant languages. Try something dynamic and not as verbose and you'll find that js is not nearly enjoyable as you thought.
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    @kpenc I love GML and C#, I also did java but it didn't sit well.

    What can you recommend?
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    @lxmcf Python, Ruby, Elixir, Common Lisp, Haskell. The last two are for expanding you horizon and escaping the death grip of C# and Java.
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    @kpenc I'll give them a gander, I tried python and Ruby ages ago so maybe I can get into them again
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    @kpenc js isn't dynamic? Js is verbose? I'm not sure what js you've used before.
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    @spongessuck Man, I'm a front end developer, believe me I use js daily. I wanted to guide him to languages which are not as broken but provide the same basic concepts, excluding Haskell and CL.
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    @kpenc if you're a front end dev and think JS is verbose, you obviously are writing some ancient code right there. There's this thing called ES6+ standard, really helps with liking JS :)
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    @devdost still broken, still shit, new features which you can find in languages from 20 years ago. Js is not verbose, see what the OP had tried - C#, Java... Read more carefully people.
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    @kpenc ++ for Lisp!! I am currently trying to find ways to use clojure for work since we have a major JVM implementation at hand. No one would let me because no one else understands it :,v
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    I really fucking enjoy JS :) there is something about the language that just clicks with me. I do find it expresive also, some are just wired for certain languages. But then again...there are no languages that I don't enjoy.
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