
Does anybudy still use Adobe Animate/Flash for web animations?

They teach it at my school and at the moment I see no reason to use it. I'm probaly faster writing it by hand in CSS / JS, and it will run smoother that the animate files...

  • 7
    I think the large web browsers don't even support Flash anymore and pretty much everybody wants it to die already.
  • 9
    Flash is dead for web, most browsers don’t allow it unless the user manually enables it.

    Use html5, css3 instead

    If you want a flash based app look at adobe air, or if you just want a flash game then that’s somewhat still acceptable if exported as a swf and the user has flash installed outside of the browser.
  • 5
    😂 flash - the technology used in web browsers when Noah was building the Ark
  • 6
    @stiaanvm don’t laugh, I watched Noah build that flash ark.
  • 2
    @stiaanvm Do you mean @n0ah 's ark?
  • 0
    @deadlyRants Animate is now mainly for web animations (without) flash (it does everything on a canvas element eith JS). But it still produces strange errors if you don't do certain tasks in a certain order, and it laggs even with simple animations...
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