
Trump and Biden flying small Cessna. Biden says: I can throw out a $100 bill and make one person happy. Trump says: I can throw out ten bills and make ten people happy. Pilot says: I can throw out both of you and make 8 billion people happy!

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    I' pay to watch them fight for real though.
  • 1
    @dissolvedgirl also then, Trump wins 😁
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    yea srsly wtf is wrong with murica putting on a whole show to pick which geriatric will be in charge of the nuclear codes? What if grandpa thinks its the cold war again and start to bomb azerbajan or something?
  • 0
    @dissolvedgirl how much we're talking?
  • 4
    Every American politician should fly in Boeing 737 Max
  • 1
    The media have intentionally divided America over the past eight years. I think we've just watched the WWF finishing move. It's fun when parents let their kids go crazy over the Undertaker or Hogan. But real life requires sacrifices and our leaders are some of the most horrific people in the world.

    Biden showered naked with Ashley, his son made billions on Ukrainian oil while smoking crack. Trump let a supporter get shot in killed as he cut his own ear in a blood sacrifice for his ascension. They're both equally evil, but humanity is controlled by the comment section.
  • 2
    @kanyewest bitch u ever hurt one tranny im gonna push your eyes into your butthole and then again and again until you are all tied up into a bundle locked into your own optic nerve.
  • -1
    @mostr4am all trannies need to kill themselves
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