Fuck Google and it's shitty documentation.

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    try Microsoft documentation (if the link even works !)
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    Funny rant, Google's documentation is probably one of the best if not the best.
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    @px06 was reading their documentation for NGINX load balancing using compute engine. The commands there were deprecated, found the new commands on some random blog.
    Even their documentation for the Google cloud platform API was lackluster
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    @aldoblack apologies
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    It is not that bad but it does take some time getting used to. Some stuff do seem to be deprectated from time to time. My biggest issue with it was the Android docs. They would give examples that were made from 10 or 20 lines of code when the final implementation of just something basic would take huge ammounts of code. But that has more to do with mobile development being a massive field more than anything else.
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