
Guys which release of MacBook would be good for me as a Frontend Developer, And is it okay to get a MacBook air ?!

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    I don’t recommend a Macbook Air for development (unless it has good specs [8ram, 1.5proc]).

    I bought a Macbook Pro 2 years ago and is still a beast. I can run heavy software such as Rubymine, Datagrip, Android Studio and Xcode (with several chrome tabs) and still running smooth.

    If you will invest a big amount of money, make it worth :)

    Just my humble opinion
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    Oh btw... My mac has 16ram and 1.7proc
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    So basically for running a text editor and a browser? Make sure it has a screen.
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    I only recommend the Macbook Pro 2015 to anyone when they say no to a normal $500 laptop which you can install Linux on and do everything. Fuck all this stupid hipster shit Apple has been doing ever since 2016, fucking garbage laptops.
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    As commented above, a macbook air is good enough if you get decent specs. Do not count with a lot of mobile development's emulators tho (use a real device) and you will b good to go.

    I have two macbooks, a macbook pro, 13 inch from 2013 and a mew macbook pro 2017 15 inch. The best specs possible for these models. And booooooy they work amazing. They paid themselves really.

    Don't listen to haters. I can't afford a Lamborghini yet...but that doesn't mean that they are pieces of shit. Wish some people would just live and let live.
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    Real computers have weight
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    Xiaomi notebook pro with Arch 😍
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    @AleCx04 Lamborghinis are piece of shit, it's all about what you get with the money you spend and the amount of money you're spending to fully spec out a mb pro 2017, I can almost guarantee that there are options ½ the price that perform better.
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    @px06 the thing here is :) I do not care about your flawed and biased opinion. If you can't afford these pcs that is fine man :( sucks for you tho but it really is fine :) but the value that I am getting, considering that one of them is an early 2013 model and still performs on a production level environment speaks more to me than what a dude on the internet that is going out his gut has to say :) so shit man :/ what should I consider? Your shit opinion or years of use? :[ this is hard!
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    @AleCx04 lmao edgy, I don't care what you consider and don't consider and I don't need to make comments denoting how much I earn like you do maybe because you're so insecure. You're on the internet and internet dudes will give you opinions, if you don't like that then you don't belong here. Simple.
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    @AleCx04 okay but real talk, lambos are really not the best when a vw phaeton offers the exact same for like quarter the price
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    @px06 lmao butthurt. I never made any comments regarding what I make. You assumed something and got intimidated by it. And the same applies from my opinion. Maybe it is you who does not belong here? I don't care. Either way have fun man.
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    @AleCx04 your comprehension skills are of a 5 year old, but yeah you too lmao
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