
"Are you familiar with uploading your code to Google Drive?"

I left the building at that exact moment.

  • 4
    hey if they pay and don't abuse me
  • 1
    we upload our code to cvs. not sure if its better 🙂
  • 4
    my first company's VCS was literally compressed folders on one guy's desktop that we emailed him at the end of each day.

    it was the best job I ever had (seriously)
  • 2
    Version control is overrated
  • 1
    lol what if that was just for the interview
  • 0
    Back in the days before time, there was MPW and the ability to check in and check out revisions with terminology that made sense in English. "Pull requests" OMG, shit for brains term. Pull on my finger...
  • 1
    I don't trust anything i cant break down and reprogram... but i am essentially a dinosaur that is way too familiar with cybersecurity.

    That said... is there some google doc type that im unaware of, or did they want it in a word doc or something???

    Personally, i just have a network of symlinked folders manually routed through my/our very local/physical servers and req access via a whitelisted static IP on our network(/28, so i have enough to spare). I made essentially a proxy server that requires strict authentication so if anyone is connecting remotely theyd need to be accessing our systems through the proxy connection. Everyone/everything else is treated as hostile to the full extent of what im legally allowed to do.

    I also dont trust shit like google(or any) password savers. I just built my own db and tools near 2 decades ago and update as needed.

    I genuinely have nearly zero frame of ref to whatever is typical. I've never been employed as a typical dev for a company i didnt own.
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