
So whats wrong with Elons site?

  • 10
    What wasn't wrong with twatter since its launch?
  • 2
    @electrineer valid point. I remember when they lauched it they said people will be posting interesting news.
    There was even a local start-up that said back then that they will launch their own version of twitter only for business news.
  • 4
    well if you say that you'll get banned so you are correct in being too afraid to ask

    he's just controversial, lotta people wanna control him and he's rebellious so it's a constantly schizophrenic scream of "he's so good" and "he's so bad" in the media depending on the thing he did... smear jobs don't mention why they're smearing him

    but for example when he bought Twitter and exposed the FBI that's when X became suddenly bad and full of Nazis or whatever, etc etc

    he's just an autist from 4chan from the looks of things
  • 4
    It was a platform to tweet. Now it's a yet another big child's toy
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    @jestdotty > "but for example when he bought Twitter and exposed the FBI"

    Lets go back a little further, when Tesla started out (great Business Wars podcast on Musk and Tesla) and the liberals+socialists+main-stream-media were fawning+drooling over Musk. For months, they were comparing him to 'genius' billionaires like Bruce Wayne and a real life Tony Stark, then Musk started to speak. (I'm paraphrasing) "Good for the environment? Ha! I'm a capitalist and I'm going to make *a lot* of money conning people and forcing governments into buying electric cars that are actually worse for the environment than ICE cars could ever be. Ha, ha, suckers!".

    Musk isn't a genius, he's a con man.

    Would I buy a Tesla (or an electric car)? Sure, I love the tech, but $50,000 when, not if, the battery craps out? I'll wait until the infrastructure is solid enough I can stop by walmart, buy a new battery, and install the battery myself.
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    also I did figure out why the green energy scam... I think

    so it does actually have a longer plan. provided we keep all the batteries
  • 1
    @jestdotty > "you'd have to give me the clip"


    It's a socialist slant on the competition between Tesla and the big 3, but assuming the details are correct, Musk had zero to do with Tesla and it's technology. He's a venture capitalist who threw a bunch of money at Tesla and decided to 'stick around' and poke his head into an industry he had no clue how to run.

    Granted, Musk is a visionary. I don't believe Tesla would be where it is without someone willing to take big risks (15-inch screen, no buttons/knobs, etc) and push+force the automotive industry where it did not want to go (read up on why Toyota didn't jump all over EVs).
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    @PaperTrail idk why you're giving me "more context"

    I'm curious if he actually said the things you quoted he said

    I'm not a fanboy, I know from watching musk think he stole Tesla from somebody else. cuz he's not an actual engineer. but seems irrelevant to something crazy like a guy saying what you quoted. if he said that he'd have been smeared to hell. so I'm expecting it's out of context and implied via projection but I wanna see what people misinterpreted. or maybe he did say it just like that, now that would be something

    guess I'm watching the ep then
  • 0
    @jestdotty > "THAT QUOTE ISNT EVEN THERE"

    No, that's why I added "I'm paraphrasing"

    Wondery develops it's podcasts from autobiography's, interviews, etc. All the books are/were in the show notes. While the actual conversations aren't known, the stories are factual. Musk did not develop the tech behind Tesla, never wrote one line of code, nothing. He wrote the checks, that's it. When the MSM started to dig deeper into the Tesla start up, Musk jumped in front "Look at me! Look what I'm doing!!!" and they fell for the hoax (electric cars = reversed global warming, etc..etc).

    There are clips (I don't care to find them) with Musk being interviewed by the main stream media where he is unapologetic about his capitalistic goals (Money first, saving the environment is somewhere in the list). More Henry Ford, less Tony Stark.
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    @jestdotty > I'm curious if he actually said the things you quoted he said"

    No, he never said that. A good con man knows exactly what to do+say to keep the con going. Musk is a very good con man and if Musk wasn't Tesla CEO, he'd likely be in prison like that crypto guy.

    Again, the automotive disruption that Musk+Tesla caused is astonishing. Without someone with the big ego like Musk, Tesla would have gone quietly in the night. Then maybe in 20 years, Toyota or Kia would be the leader in electric cars (fixing all the battery issues).
  • 1
    @jestdotty in fairness there are a lot of nazis on twitter.

    I know I'm one of them. I know I am because every time I say I'm not voting for biden I get called one. And every time I say I'm not voting for trump I get "you commies are the real nazis!"

    No one ever asks me who I am actually going to vote for.

    It's me. On write in every time. So I can claim every election that I was a presidential candidate.

    Free clout.

    But sadly no one ever asks who I voted for.

    edit: btw. Vote for me. A chicken in every pot, and a politician buried in every backyard. Shovel ready jobs I tells ya! SHOVEL. READY. JOBS.
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