
Figure I can simplify the code if I have the compiler handle *some* of the register allocation.

Eh? What do you mean "NP-hard"? Dafuq's an ENN-PEE?

**frantically reads wiki**

I can proudly say that I understood absolutely nothing; CS stands for cocksucker or rather abysmal failure at the most basic forms of communication, I don't just sit here all day expecting you to flawlessly prove my point with every swallow of breath you draw, yet here we are.

Perhaps one factor involved in producing the generalized cluelessness of my colleagues, I mean their "imposter s*ndrome", has a bit to do with how fucking thick you've formulated this glorified bollocks you call theory. Were not for your incompetence, arcane crackheads like me would simply __not__ be capable of rising to the top of this field entirely via determination and a big salami, therefore I owe you both a debt of gratitude as well as every last word and sign of total disrespect.

As interesting as the study of computational complexity can be, if done correctly that is, you idiots are stuck in a mathematician's abstract mindset in a field entirely devoted to application of ideas rather than *just* the ideas themselves.

To answer my own question, it means there's no known efficient solution. That's it. The part about nondeterministic polynomial convolution of an irreductible rectosigmoid junction can apparently be skipped altogether. Anyway, I solved the problem with the computational equivalent of pizza sticks while you were out in the field mentally jacking off to λ.

Lecture is over, now go clean up the ethereal masturbatory residue if you will, I have mystical el Khwarizmi type-shit to solve via further clubbing of abstraction through liverwurst bologna of immense proportions. ^D

  • 1
    @jestdotty The point my friend is to kick these enlightened troglodytes right in the fucking nads, at every turn, wherever they are -- give them no security, no relief, and no compassion: obliterate their unscrupulous testicles with righteous might.
  • 4
    NP doesn't really stand for "it's really hard". Rather it stand for it scales fucking badly.

    And if I see that a problem is proven to be NP, that tells me a few things. 1st, I check if my input sizes are limited. If so, fuck NP. I program a computer game, it calculates the most efficient layout of a virtual street in a virtual town. If the town has a max size that I can still compute in an acceptable time, I do not care. But otherwise, that's a terrible idea.

    2nd: I am looking for a heuristic solution. Knowing that the solution will never scale right, I find something that correlates with my solution. That brings a pretty good result.

    But yeah, I am glad I understand amortized complexity and you are welcome for the libraries you use.
  • 0
    @TrayKnots You have the reading comprehension of a sightless man who's lost over half his fingers.
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