
Ditching Visual Studio and all its annoying lag for Visual Studio Code was one of the best "productivity hacks" I ever did

  • 1
    @jestdotty yeah, it doesn't make any sense to call Visual Studio Code "Visual". Unlike its bigger brother it doesn't include any wysiwyg feature for GUI design in its core features.
  • 0
    What did you settle for?
  • 4
    Yeah but VS Code is equally heavy, being made using Electron, running JS for a supposedly native app, what a great idea.
  • 2
    Sad, visual studio were such an elite ide once. Last version I used is 2005 I guess. Express editions for Comercial use!
  • 1
    @daniel-wu I agree with your point about Electron and on the fact that VSCode might be as heavy as Visual Studio but at least it doesn't lag at every input I throw at it and has decent keybindings.

    At home on my Unix-like machines I'd rather use Neovim with LSP and few additional plugins but at work I'm forced to use Windows and I struggle to replicate my Neovim/CLI heavy workflow on it so I decided to settle with VSCode and some PowerShell.
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