
Wanna lose faith in humanity? Open any YouTube video and sort comments by new.

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    I've sometimes found the best advice from the amount of negative comments. The more negative comments, the likelihood the advice is on target. Ex. I ran across Dave Ramsey after researching buying a car (TL;DR). Kinda knew about him already, but thought his advice was geared toward folks in real estate. I thought, the amount of hate spewed from jealous broke people, wow, this guy must be spot on with his advice.

    Same thing with Joel Osteen after the floods in Houston. Never heard of him until all of main stream media dog-pilled on how that church 'refused' to house folks displaced by the flood (which wasn't entirely true). Decided to read his book, it was fine, but why the hate? Oh, he actually practices what he preaches and reaps the rewards. To that I say, well done sir. It's OK to argue and disagree with the message (never talks about the Great Commission, consequence of sin, etc), but NOWHERE in the Bible does it say a pastor can't drive a sports car or have a private jet.
  • 3
    Also, take a fresh browser and open youtube‘s front page. Idiocracy will suddenly become very real.
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    Yup. Tell me about it.
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    That doesn't make me lose my faith in humanity because I believe someone is piping the output of troll-AI to the comments. What it does challenge is my faith in public discourse.
  • 2
    Because probably the more sensible comments are shadow-banned
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