
Any musician Devs here? Some rants here would make great themes to make some heavy songs


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    yes bass player, but more into funk with plenty of slap bass. Couldn’t do heavy though.
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    I bet the Platinum album would be titled, "Blue Screen of Megadeath" 😂
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    I don't sing or play music but I do enjoy listening to a range of genres.
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    fuck it .. fuck this .. fuck it fuck this fuck it...
    fuck that .. fuck them .. fuck it fuck this fuck this fuck that fuck them ..

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    @helloworld I was thinking about you, but couldn't recall which nickname you had!

    As for the genres, I love hybrid stuff. I'm not really into "classic metal" (666 bpm, permanent dble kick and guitar viruoso), but more into "in your face" music. Currently listening a lot of "Rap" Metal, which has lots of calmer moments for verses where slap bass would fit in right!

    Given the theme, it could be some sort of "futuristic" music with lots of effects, so actually more geared towards "electronic/indus/ambient" stuff, and keeping the metal for angry moments :D
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    @CurseMeSlowly given the little elephant, guessing you're talking about php? :D

    This could go for something like:
    WordPress.php - DeathRant - Blue Screen of Megadeath

    Sounds good!
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    @Phlisg it was actually a space invader emoji lol but you are right, I'm a php dev so that's the best lyrics I can come up with 😂
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    I play the piano sometimes, does that count?
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    Maybe @AlgoRythm is a drummer?
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    @theNox well of course, piano at any moment makes a big impact. What kind of stuff you play?
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    Sorry, I know this one was bad xD
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    @CurseMeSlowly aah well windows 10 has a funny icon for that space invader, that's why i thought it was an elephant

    I think they are appropriate for PHP (according to what I've seen on devRant)!
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    @Phlisg yes indeed. Lol. Oh I do WordPress as well. So your suggested title was perfect. 😔
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    @Phlisg whatever I like haha, I don't really have the patience to practice, but I like to play movie scores and some cool songs
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    @theNox ah great :D so you would have a knack at improvising stuff and create riffs/melodies :)

    Next challenge for this project would be to find common software or a way to exchange data easily (via Midi, DAW projects, audio files - which are hard to get right, ...). Or if you have some hardware like an audio interface, microphones etc, I could directly record you through internet... but I need to find a good software without quality loss...

    Wait, why don't we make such software?
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    @AlgoRythm cool, me2 !
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    @exceptionalGuy I'm still so in love with hardstyle but especially the sub genre rawstyle (or raw hardstyle) after like seven+ years that I'm looking into producing it as well Yas :)
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    @ArcaneEye dude I wrote it while listening to that exact song 😂
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    My main Hobby is Music and Sounddesign. I play piano and guitar and have alot of sample libraries and stuff like that. Recently started singing too.
    Im into Prog rock and Prog metal
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    @ViktorZin Sound-design :O Awesome! Haben Sie ein Soundcloud Profile, or something similar?

    https://soundcloud.com/ecllyps for mine :)
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    @linuxxx the band "The Browning" has some nice hybrid songs with hardstyle, love it too :D

    I'm not sure if I got you right, you've been producing for 7+ years or looking into doing that?
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    Its a collection of alot of experiments. Check out corrode and brainstorming, these are all things I made in a day or so. I also still suck at mixing...


    ....oh and Sunday salloon for some variety
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    @ViktorZin some good stuff indeed! I quite like your ambient songs, very organic :)

    Aah mixing, a bit like learning a static language coming from a dynamic I would say - in my case.
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    @Phlisg I've been in love with it for seven years and now also want to produce it :)
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    @helloworld This rocks! :D
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    @Phlisg, what about this...

    Also massive fan of dirty loops.
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    @helloworld Sounds awesome too! It's quite technical but players make it look like it's easy haha

    So you must be godlike playing bass?
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